Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Verb Is An Action Word

–verb (used with object)
1. to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.

The air is fresh. I can breathe again.
The unknown is not paralyzing. I observe with a serene perspective.
Unchained in my mind, I want to create again.
Though my circumstances cause doubt, I trust in what is unseen.
Believing in spite of disappointment, hope empowers life to find its step again.


hootenannie said...

I recently told my mom that out of faith, hope, and love, I think the most important one is hope.

She said I can't rewrite scripture.

I'm sticking with it, though. Never underestimate the power of HOPE. :) Glad you're feeling it these days...

Genevieve said...

Sometimes the purpose is in the process, there's a whole lotta wisdom in that.

You should write more...