Monday, March 9, 2009

Dancing With The Home Video Super Star

Tonight is the start of a new season of Dancing with the Stars. I like the show but over the years, I've been an on and off kind of fan. Tonight I'm watching. We will see how long it keeps my attention. 

My sister Kari has been working on a big project over the past few months. She is taking our family VHS home videos and putting them on DVD. If you've ever done this, it is freakin' time consuming. We have numerous VHS tapes filled with all manner of footage. Mostly, footage NO ONE wants to see again. 

We started documenting family life on film when Abi was about 4 years old. She loved being on camera as a little one. She is without a doubt the star! 

Here is a sampling of her 5 year old dance moves during Christmas...

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