Thursday, November 26, 2009

Full Of Thanks

I am thankful for perspective, that offers a view of more than just a single dimension of life.

I am thankful for grace to get through brokenhearted moments and situations that would otherwise cause breathing lungs to collapse. 

I am thankful for peace that keeps the tornado from raging on the inside when feelings demand mayhem.

I am thankful for hope and the anticipation that the junk of today may be replaced by pleasure tomorrow.

I am thankful for faith, even though it’s ever so small, because believing in something that makes no sense would be impossible without it.

I am thankful for truth that takes the inflation out of illusions.

I am thankful for trust, though not always easy to find, when it’s strong it quiets insecurity.

I am thankful for redemption that takes what is fractured beyond recognition and rebuilds something better from it.

I am thankful for love that can’t be explained or fully understood but that is given and received in the most personal of ways.

I am thankful.

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